Federal Parent Locator Services 624-05-15-41
(Revised 1/12/09 ML #3170)
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The North Dakota Department of Human Services or designee, in its provision of services under Title IV-E/IV-B of the Social Security Act, may have access to certain Child Support Enforcement Federal parent Locator service (FPLS) information for defined purposes. Information may only be accessed for the purpose of locating or facilitating the discovery of an individual who has or may have parental rights in order to make more informed and timely decisions about a child’s permanency.
To access the FPLS information the following steps must be followed:
- The Child Welfare case manager identifies a need for “locate” information. (Is the information needed for an individual who has, or may have parental rights to a child, is it related to IV-B or IV-E, and is the purpose to make more informed and timely decisions about a child’s permanency?)
- If the answer is “No” then FPLS information may not be requested.
- If the answer is “Yes” then the case manager completes the Request Form – Use of the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) for Child Welfare Services (Request Form).
- The completed Request Form is attached to an e-mail and sent to the Regional Supervisor.
- The Regional Supervisor reviews the request for approval.
- The Regional Supervisor sends the approved Request Form to the State Parent Locator Service (SPLS) as an email attachment. (csespls@nd.gov)
SPLS receives the request and processes it on FACSES. The request is automatically submitted to FPLS the next Friday. (Federal law prohibits the disclosure of FPLS information on an individual for whom an IV-D program has placed a Family Violence Indicator (FVI). A IV-D- program places the FVI on an individual when there is reason to believe that release of information may result in physical or emotional harm. Therefore, although fairly uncommon, it may be that FPLS information will not be available due to the FVI.)
FPLS uses a variety of powerful sources, many of which produce information that would otherwise be confidential. SPLS will usually receive FPLS responses one to two weeks after submittal. However, this varies depending on the source of the information.
The SPLS worker sends the FPLS responses back to the Regional Supervisor via email. Upon receiving the FPLS responses:
- The Regional Supervisor provides the responses to the case manager by forwarding the email.
An evaluation form to gather feedback on the usefulness of the FPLS information may be sent to the Regional Supervisor. Upon receiving the evaluation form:
- The Regional Supervisor either completes and returns the form; or
- Forwards the form to the case manager for completion with a return request.